Courtney Langton

Courtney is an aspiring high school teacher. Her teachables are History and English, but she's happy to teach anything that doesn't involve numbers or formulas. Her particular interest is in promoting gender equity and anti-oppression both in and outside the classroom. She writes a detailed To-Do list every morning, and enjoys nothing more than a good book and a plate of bacon on a rainy Saturday.

Jonathan Wong

Jonathan's primary interest is moral education. His teachable subjects are English and Music. He encourages critical thinking and hopes to teach his students to recognize, and strive for, what is truly important to them without forgetting to be compassionate, tolerant, and open-minded along the way. He likes making analogies and his favourite is one that compares life to jumping on a trampoline.

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Dress Codes, Part 2
Monday, September 28, 2009

I had a short discussion with my friend on dress codes for practicum. Here is what we came up with.

Tie = Dress shirt with a tie
No tie = Dress shirt sans tie
Polo = Polo shirt

Being at prac for 4 weeks, 5 days a week (4 days for the week post-Thanksgiving):

Week 1 (Mon-Fri): Tie - tie - no tie - no tie - polo
Week 2 (Tues-Fri): Tie - tie - no tie - polo
Week 3 (Mon-Fri): Tie - no tie - no tie - no tie - polo
Week 4 (Mon-Fri): Tie - no tie - no tie - polo - cat/bear/witch/costume

Thanksgiving threw off our rhythm a bit. So did Hallowe'en. The point is that we were shooting for getting progressively more lax horizontally (day by day) and vertically (week by week).

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Jonathan posted at 10:13 PM - Comments (1)


Hahaha, your chart looks like a foreign language.

By Blogger Courtney, at October 7, 2009 at 8:12 PM  

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